(718) 356-0232


Dressing Your Best for School Pictures

by | ABC School Photography Blog, Uncategorized

sure their photographs come out looking fantastic and timeless. While it is our job to make any type of ensemble look great, the following are a few simple tips that will help ensure your yearbook photo and take-home portraits look as lovely as the student is in real life.

Avoid Graphic T-Shirts


While there is no need to dress in a tuxedo or ball gown for picture day, it’s also best not to dress like you just rolled out of bed. T-shirts don’t usually represent the best a person can look, and graphic tees tend to look especially odd in school photos. The images can get cut off at weird places, and they sometimes can communicate things that aren’t best for something as permanent as a yearbook photo.

Plain, Brightly-Colored Top


The solution to this for both male and female students is to wear a plain, bright top. Find a color and shirt style that flatters your body type and skin tone, and remember that keeping the colors and patterns simple improves the odds of a nice, clean school photo. The crazier you get with the top, the more you are likely to regret that decision later.

Keep Accessories Simple


While some students are perfectly happy wearing every single accessory they own for school photography, we have found that simpler is better. Keep the gaudy costume jewelry at home and wear accessories that are complementary but barely noticeable. You are the star of this photograph, not the accessories.

Follow School Dress Code


Keep in mind that for most yearbooks, students are still required to follow whatever school dress code may exist. We’re not here to argue whether these dress codes should exist; the reality is that they do, and picture day is not an excuse to try and circumvent those rules. In our experience, there are plenty of ways to look great within the guidelines the school recommends, so to limit headaches for you, the school, and eventually the yearbook adviser, follow the dress code for picture day.

Don’t Take Fashion Risks


These photos are going to last the rest of your life. Long after your parents have replaced your 8th grade portrait in their living room, your portrait will live on in somebody’s yearbook. You can avoid looking completely dated and ridiculous a decade or two down the road by taking as few fashion risks as possible. Wear something timeless, and don’t go too trendy with hair or makeup. It may look good now, but it may embarrass you in retrospect.

If you can handle all of these things, there is a great chance that your school photo will come back looking every bit as fantastic as you had hoped. In many cases, school picture companies like ABC School Photographers offer a retake date if that first go-round has fallen significantly short of your expectations, but if you follow these tips and flash your best smile, you will end up with photos that you and your family will cherish for a lifetime.

Boasting more than 35 years of expertise in New York and New Jersey, ABC School Photographers is renowned for transforming school moments into cherished memories. Our Complete Mobile Photography Studio comes to you, featuring the latest in photographic technology, right at your school's doorstep.

Our dedicated professional team ensures that school photo days are not just about taking pictures, but about creating a memorable, hassle-free experience.

Choose ABC School Photographers for portraits that are not just pictures, but timeless treasures of your school years!

Call Now:  (718) 356-0232

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