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3 Creative Tips for How to Display School Photos 

 If you’re like most parents who have kids in NYC schools, your child is going to come home with a packet of school photos, and each year, you find yourself wondering how to display those school photos. Certainly, you can go with some tried-and-true options, like framed photos on the fireplace mantel. 

However, because that type of display is so common, it can lose its appeal. (You may also not even have a fireplace, so there’s that, too.) If this is where you’re at with this dilemma, we have three suggestions for how to display school photos that are creative, fun, and most importantly, don’t require you to have a fireplace.

1. How to Display School Photos: Create a Calendar

If you’re trying to figure out how to display the school photos of all your favorite youngsters, try creating a calendar. This is an especially fun idea for grandparents, godparents, and aunts and uncles who know kids in the various NYC- and Jersey-area schools. 

Each month, one of the kids gets a turn at being the star of the month. It’s also fun to add quotes or messages from each child to their calendar page. This personalizes the calendar even more. 

Finally, designing an 8-inch X 10-inch calendar is a great way to go. This size is a standard frame size. Designing a calendar of this size allows each calendar recipient to frame the photos when the year is done. Take a look at our website to see all the photo sizes in our school photo packages. 

2. Ideas for Displaying School Photos: Cool Collages

A collage of school photos creates a kaleidoscope of images that remind us that life is ever-turning and changing. One day, your kid is hanging out with her friends on the playground of her NYC elementary school. The next thing you know, she’s a drama student at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. 

There are a lot of years in between these two events, which would be easy to forget were it not for the photo record your school photos provide. A cool collage of school photos reminds you to enjoy each day because tomorrow, the kaleidoscope will turn, and the image will never look exactly the same again. 

3. How to Display School Photos: Design a Display Wall

If you have the space for it, designing a display wall of school photos allows you to go with a more traditional display of photos. One fun way to do this is to hang your photo display up a staircase wall. Each step you take gives you a new view of the display. You might even display the school photos chronologically. The higher you climb up the stairs, the older your kids get.

To add further visual interest to this photo gallery, think about mixing up the frame sizes. The overall display will look more striking if you go this route.

Final Thoughts on How to Display School Photos

Your child’s school photos keep a record of the kaleidoscope of his or her life. They mark the passage of time from kindergarten through high school. As such, you want to find ways to display them that truly honor who your child is and who he or she will become.

If you’d like to learn more about getting school photos for your child, contact us today.

Boasting more than 35 years of expertise in New York and New Jersey, ABC School Photographers is renowned for transforming school moments into cherished memories. Our Complete Mobile Photography Studio comes to you, featuring the latest in photographic technology, right at your school's doorstep.

Our dedicated professional team ensures that school photo days are not just about taking pictures, but about creating a memorable, hassle-free experience.

Choose ABC School Photographers for portraits that are not just pictures, but timeless treasures of your school years!

Call Now:  (718) 356-0232

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